-The following are the letters sent to CAROLINE BLUE and their replies…Back in the days before Facebook (hell, before My Space!) one of the ways that people communicated w/ CAROLINE BLUE was via email (and even the occasional “snail mail” letter!). From 2002-2005, the CAROLINE BLUE page had a “LETTERS” page. People would write in and WWJ (plus sometimes one of the others) would do their best to answer / respond. Yes, we know that 2004 is missing. 🙂 Things were quite busy for WWJ & “The Crew” back then. As you can see, an attempt was made to post letters starting w/ what was then current letters in Jan. of 2005. Perhaps one day the letters from 2004 will make it up here…..

-In addition, please note, all links that were on the old website for this page have been removed. Many of them went to pages that no longer exist (mostly bands).

-Please also note that, as per the format, the letters and responses are posted in reverse order. This means that, starting from the top, are letters from 2005 and as you read and scroll down they regress back towards 2004, 2003, etc.



I always have fun at your shows!!! Suzanne really had a good time. Thanks for your part in making her birthday special. I’ll go soon and comment on the blog. You take care and stay out of trouble!

Mistress Dark Mystique-Syracuse, NY

Glad we could be part of her birthday! And me get in trouble??? Perish the thought…. 🙂




Hi Wayne,
It was nice meeting you. I had a good time at the show. I’ll have to check out the website when I have the time.


Glad you had a good time Silvie-we try…. Nice to meet you too and hope to see you at more shows. Take care.




Hi Wayne,
Do you guys ever play up in Albany? How about Northern Lights? Maybe I can catch one of your gigs if you guys ever play this way.


Hi Donna-no,we haven’t hit Albany yet-but we plan on doing so soon. Keep checking our SHOWS page for the latest!




Damm guys….I didn’t realize you were that close to me…about 2 hours….I would love to come see you play some night….and you’re quite welcome….I enjoy talking to all….have a good one and be safe.

Wendy-Port Lynden,NY

Thanks Wendy-we plan on playing shows in your area sometime soon. Hope to see you at a show!




Hey Guys,
Love the tunes-especially Hard Life….Keep it up!

Sonny-Lynnwood, WA

Thanks Sonny-We’ll do our best! \m/




Was listening to some samples. You guys are good!!! Hope to see you in Southeastern PA sometime!


Thanks Dotti-actually, we have a few people looking into possible gigs in Mass, NJ, and PA sometime this year. As soon as we get some we’ll let everyone know!




…Please let me know the next time you play out…I’d luv to see you guys play!

Jane Evil-Haunted By Angels

Will do-We’ll have to get some shows together soon. Keep in touch and I’ll talk to you soon. Take care.




Hey Wayne,
I picked up the CD at Johnny Z’s. It sounds great! Nice job! Dave Hyuck did a great job of capturing some killer guitar tones. Thanks for the mention in the liner notes. I really appreciate that.

Jerry-FJA Mods

No problem Jerry-glad you liked the CD! Hope to see you out at a show soon-unless something goes wrong with my amp again. If so, I’ll probably see you sooner 🙂 Take care.




I definitely saw you guys at Club Tundra the other day….was too wasted to remember if ya played any KISS….wish ya had, and if ya did, wish I had remembered.Latta.

Kimm-New York

Well….alrighty then!




You guys need to have a show down here…I’m dying to go see a good show! And there’s quite a lot of my friends, who have bands down here. and I’ve told them about you. They wanna experience your music, most of my friends are in heavy metal bands….star says this shall happen-so mote it be dammit!! *giggle giggle* But seriously….don’t make me stalk you! *he he* love you guys!


We actually have talked about hitting NJ for a few shows. If you could, email us some info about the scene there-clubs/bands/etc….website links would help too….Hopefully we’ll be there soon. Metal J has been around the scene out there a little bit and knows a number of people out there.




Awsome!!! OMG (In the Crazy Fan voice)-my name is on your disc. Awsome! Thank you as well for allowing me to help you. I love helping at being at your shows…..On the solo instrumental #11; are you working on words to go with that or is that just something for fun? I think it’s very pretty (sorry if that’s too girly).
Gabriel K.-Syracuse,NY

That track-named Inertia-was made to help all the insomniacs of the world get some sleep-HA! No words for it-just a simple little instrumental piece. There was actually suppose to be an effect on it, but there wasn’t enough time to get it right so it was left off. Oh well….maybe when it’s remastered in 10 years….




Happy New year guys! Hope all is well with you and yours and may you have a successful New year.


Thanks-Trish! Hope you have a great 2005 as well!




You put a lot of time into your website. It shows. Is this entirely your work? I know I spoke with you about this before,but I wasn’t sure this was all your work. If it is,nice job!


Thanks Zoey! Yes-I put the whole site together and maintain it-but CAROLINE BLUE wouldn’t be what it is without the sum of ALL of it’s members. Otherwise I’d just call this band “Wayne.” 🙂
Actually-I couldn’t do that even if I wanted to cause there’s already a band called “Wayne”…..Go figure….




Well, you’re always asking me what I’ve been doing with my painting. I got inspired awhile back but tried to ignore it cuz it was a subject I’m not very good at. I hoped and hoped this idea would go away on its own,but all it did was fester,and give me the worst case of painter’s block I’ve ever had. Let me know if you can’t get it open-cuz this one is all for you.


Wow-that is great! Very cool! It is very much appreciated RNRPG….To see her painting,click on the link to our FAN ART. Thank you very much!




LOL…Wayne…I’m not a member of your ezboard…but here’s the caption…

“Maybe I left these leather pants in the dryer just a bit too long!!!”

Billy Bob-Syracuse,NY

Billy Bob is talking about our brand new Monthly OOPS Pic Caption Contest. Click HERE to find out more info on this.




Does the band have CDs released?

Bill M.-Somewhere in Cyberspace….

The latest CD from CAROLINE BLUE should be out soon-keep checkin back boy howdy!







Well CB Fan, thanks a lot for writing in! The band had a great time the last time they played at Gatherings By Design and plan on being there again soon. The only show they have at the moment is on Halloween at Bleachers (see SHOWS). You can keep checking out that page for future show dates and/or you could sign up for our FREE Handy dandy Newsletter Boy Howdy! Just go to the CONTACT page and sign up! It’s that simple! Ciao!





……You dunt like post those (pictures) anywhere do u?……

The Queen of Skullz-Somewhere in Cyberspace.

Yes,this is from a legit email.Not everyone uses their real name.The reason I put that part on here is to address an issue. Some people see me at clubs all the time taking pics-it’s what I do. They wonder if I’ll post them on the site-specifically the FANS,FRIENDS, & FREAKS page. The only pics that will be posted on that page will be from CAROLINE BLUE events and that person has to have a member of the band in the pic with them. Hope this clears up things! Thanks!





….I also heard that you cut your hair?! I heard about 6 inches and more to go??!! Tell me this isn’t true!!….


Well,I did get it cut. Still long, but not as….Come Halloween it will be shorter and curlier as well. Wanna see? Come out to Bleachers! (See SHOWS). Take care.





No problem for coming out the other night…Had a lot of fun seeing many people I haven’t seen in awhile…I meant every word I said when I told you this was the best version of Caroline Blue I have seen yet….You seemed way more comfortable up there on stage with a solid rhythm section behind you…I was VERY impressed with what I saw…

The drummer reminded me so much of my old friend Paul Grillo behind those drums it was scary (remember him? He was the 21 year old drummer that died from Czar and New Reign).

If I get a chance tomorrow at work I’ll post a message on the forum…or I could hire a man to break that little drummer guy’s legs if he doesn’t continue to play with Caroline Blue….I don’t think he realizes just how hard you work at promoting Caroline Blue…I see every email you send, every flyer you post…you’re a hard worker man…and I respect that very much. 🙂

Big Billy B.-The Back Alley Boys

Big Bill,

Thank you very much for the props-it’s VERY much appreciated. I try. Glad you had a good time last Saturday. I think that if there was a MVP award for that night it would go to “Small.” He pulled thru with flying colors-and with basically only 1 rehearsal with the band! As for him staying with the band,it would be great-but that’s totally his decision. And whatever it is,I will respect it. I mean, what other guy can do all that powerhouse drumming while wearing leather pants??? 🙂 For those of you who may have missed the show, this upcoming Friday (9/12) will be your chance to catch “Small” in action! Go to the SHOWS page for details! Again Billy-thanks for the props-even though my work has just begun…..




I’m glad I went on Saturday. Had a great time! Hope things are good with you.

Heather B.-Liverpool,NY

Thanks Heather-it was great seeing you and the rest of the gang there. Glad you had a great time and hope to see you guys at future shows. Take care.





I hear you got a new drummer….Ken Simpson!! Excellent choice one of the best in the business. I knew him back in the Holly and The New Yorker days….looking forward to seeing him play out again!

SexyNCuse-Somewhere in Cyberspace…

Unfortunately, Kenny is no longer with the band. Read all about it in the NEWS section.




Hey Wayne & Ham,

I’m an old friend of Jamie Criscione…Lewis…whatever his name is. Guessing that Jim checks this site out and knowing his ego I thought I’d post and inquire about him. Kind of bust his balls and keep him thinking…..
Wayne,I don’t know if you remember me,but I actually hung out with Jim when you joined the band (FRONT ROW)…..I think I actually have some old video of you playing at The Lost Horizon. I stumbled across your site while searching the net for anything musical that related to another old friend,Fran Scaglione. Jim has him listed as his favorite drummer in his facts stats thing. Glad I found the site. Always thought you were an excellent guitar player. Randy was good too, but kind of boring to watch. You have flash man.
Ham, you probably don’t remember me. I was friends with Chaz & JC-The All Americans. I was also a cameraman for many of your live shows and a few of the shows taped at the boxing gym….I watched the interview that you guys did for UMTV-it was on their website-and thought that you looked familiar. Looks like you’ve added some meat to your bones since the wrestling days…you were a stick then…hair looks the same.
Small fucking world! Anyway,I’m glad I found the site. Would love to hear more tunes.Rock on.

Not JC-Somewhere in Cyberspace…

Thank you very much for the kind words. It’s easy to tell what Jim’s name is.It’s Jim unless he puts on that jacket that he wore on stage back in 92-92….then he becomes JAMIE CRISCIONE-SAVIOR OF CIVILIZATION & PROTECTOR OF ITALIANS EVERYWHERE!!!…..Just ask him,he’ll tell ya….(HA!). Very cool to hear from you-I vaguely remember the name-didn’t you help tape a show at Big Bertha’s one time? I think I have that on tape. I’ll keep ya informed on what’s going on here and hope everything is going well. Take care.




Nice job guys!!!! LOVE the ICEMAN!!!


Thanks dude! Marv’s talkin about the new CAROLINE BLUE video “Mine,Mine,Mine” which was on this night on UMTV. The Iceman is the $1200 guitar I was using-it’s an original 1978 Paul Stanley Ibanez Iceman guitar. Very awesome!!




Hey Wayne,

Just wanted to let you know that I FINALLY checked out your website. It’s great!

Tammy-Somewhere in cyberspace…

Thanks for stoppin by-hope you liked what you saw and hope you keep checkin back. Maybe we’ll see ya at a show. Take care.




….Loved the interview and the promos/intros you guys do for UMTV; reminds me of what Empty-Vee once was, lo those many eons ago! 😛

West Side Dave-Fulton,NY

Skippy! Glad ya liked em-the boys sure did quite a lot of them promos boy howdy! Hopefully CAROLINE BLUE will be doing some more stuff like that with UMTV in the near future!





Got the video! “Mine,Mine,Mine” kicks ass! This is the kind of thing we SHOULD be seeing on Empty-Vee; thank God for UMTV at least! (Now,if only they’d start broadcasting in Fulton!) I’ll be checking out the rest of the tape after I send this, and will give you my impressions, for whatever THEY’RE worth! lol Just want to say HUGE thanks once again for the tape; and I’ll do my best to send people to the CAROLINE BLUE site. My compliments to you and the band on a job VERY well done! Take care.

West Side Dave-Fulton,NY


Very cool that you got the tape and you liked it! Of course,tell us what you think. We wanna hear it all-the good and the bad! 🙂 Keep watchin out for more CAROLINE BLUE stuff on UMTV-we’ve only just begun!




I see you guys are playing Nasbar on September 13th;I’ll be there!! C-ya there!

West Side Dave-Fulton,NY

Cool! Glad you’ll be finally able to see the band live! Bring anyone you can-it’s gonna be a rockin night!




Brother Wayne!

Thought 2 drop U a note-your June 13th show-Wow! I had a great time. You’ve got a great band. I’m very happy for you! Wayne-Could you send me some of your upcoming dates? It was great 2 CU! Best wishes-

Brother Dave-Syracuse,NY

You’re much too kind Dave-thank you very much! The latest show dates are on your way. Great seeing you too and hope to see ya at future shows! Take care.





I was on the site last night. It looks good. I have to say one thing, you do not generate any so-so feelings. They either feel very strongly for or against whatever they have to say. What did poor Ham do to deserve that kind of comment? Feed him chips?? Really. People never cease to amaze me. The poll was an easy one. Still waiting for the CD! I will take a look at the UMTV site for the new video. I am glad things seem to be moving forward for you and that they continue to do so.

Susan- Albany,NY

Thanks Susan-great to hear from ya! I know the LETTERS page is a little slow since we put up the Forum and the Guestbook is always entertaining, but it’s great to still get emails. Personally, I think once Ham put on that jacket during the interview-all bets were off! (HA!) I’ll let you-and anyone who will listen-know when the video can be seen! It’s awesome! Thanks again Susan. Take care.




Hey Wayne!

I was wondering when you would get email. I hope you remember me. I used to hang out with ………. and had all kinds of photos of you with FOUR LARGE MEN. I didn’t know you were in another band now. Last I knew it was Tastes Like Chicken. Hope to see ya or hear from you soon. Let me know when you guys are playing. Thanks.

Paula-Somwhere in Cyberspace.

Thanks Paula-yeppers, I remember ya. Glad you found your way to this site. I got ya on our mailing list and we should hopefully be playing out soon. Thanks again. Take care.





I have a date tonight so I won’t be able to make the gig. I’m sorry man cause I want to see you guys. Good luck and kick some ass!!!


Hey Marv,

Why not bring your date to the show? No go? Oh well….I tried….thanks dude. Keep an eye out for us!





This is Paul from CLIFFDIVER & 6 Lb BUCKET….I talked to Kenny the other day and I will be looking forward to working together with you guys. Me and Kenny go way back!…Peace.

Paul-Cliffdiver & 6 Lb Bucket.


Looking forward to working with you guys too! Should be a lot of fun. Let’s make it happen!




Hey Hon!

Can you do me a favor…call me or email me to remind me about UMTV tonight? I wrote myself a note for Monday’s show and I forgot about it!!! I was pissed! I really want to see the show. Thanks!!



Will do!









Thanks for coming to the show. Hope to see you at the next show. Approach me and maybe there’s a gig in the future we can play.Thanks.

Erik-Carnival of Souls (KISS Unmasked Tribute)

Cool-I’ll try to make it out sometime if it’s not too far (my poor battle wagon is showing it’s age) and look forward to workin with ya. Take care.



Thanks for dropping by the site AND for the double guestbook sinage!…..I checked out the Mp3 clips; they ROCK! I really liked “I’m No Angel,”-that one has potential. And it was nice to see that the 2 live tracks were recorded in lil ol’ Fulton! Looking forward to seeing you guys here sometime. Talk to ya later…

West Side Dave-Fulton,NY

Thanks dude! Hopefully we’ll be playing out in Fulton soon! It’s always interesting playing out that way. Hope to see ya out there when we do. BTW-for people reading this,go to our LINKS page and check out Dave’s site-it’s hard to believe all that was built with webtv! Take care.



Hey dude bet you ain’t got idea who this be. Wish I played drums I would help. But I will turn everyone I know on to your web. You got some cool stuff. Sorry I missed the show at the “Door.” Would have liked to seen you. If you ever need a front man, give me a line! In mean time I will send your e dress out to some friends.
Tyler-Somewhere in Cyberspace…

Thanks for the offer and for the extra promo.That’s very cool.As for who you are,well,I know you’re a singer so….oh well,might as well just gather up my Toys and put them In The Attic…….:-)
Take Care,



Holy sh*t! $50,000 plus benefits? I’ll play for that amount!!

Monsters Really Do Exist!




I can’t believe he would ask for $50,000 a year-especially when you’re only paying me $40,000. I am grateful for the health benefits though.




$50,000 per year plus health benefits and 401k in a written contract will get you this pro drummer for 12 hours a day,5 days a week. That’s cheap if your serious. I also write, play bass, guitar and keyboards.

Bill W.-Somewhere in cyberspace




Hi Wayne! I get your printouts, but they come too late for me and Lori to see you. I just got the one today that says you’re suppose to play at The Red Door North on 2/22/2003. Obviously I wasn’t able to make it! I’d really like to come and see you and so would Lori so let us know a week in advance. Keep sending your letters.My new address is (…………..).

Jane-North Syracuse,NY.

Hiya Jane! Believe it or not, it WAS sent out a week early this time! Obviously, the change in address caused a delay. Sorry you guys missed the show-it was a good one! Unfortunately, there are times when the snail mail newsletters aren’t received in time. That’s why we urge everyone to sign up via email-cause then you can get the newsletter right away! Plus you can also get updates on stuff like last minute shows and stuff. We will be sending out a little notice sometime soon urging people to switch to the email signup. We won’t cancel the snail mail people-people can’t help if they don’t have a computer-but with the costs rising, it’s sometimes hard to get things out promptly. Hope to see you guys at the next show!




Hi Wayne,
Hope you had a great birthday.I know,I’m a few days behind. I’m looking forward to checking out the band with the new guys (even though Marv isn’t really “new” to me!). It has been WAY too long since I’ve seen you on stage! It’s kinda funny, I was going to go to the Sub-Urban show and decided not to at the last minute, otherwise I would’ve seen you there! OK, well I wanted to wish you a happy birthday so there you have it! Take care.


Thank you very much Julie! I appreciate it. I’m looking forward to the show very much-as are the other guys. Hope to see ya there!




Great to see everybody last week. My email here was never cancelled….Save yourself some $ and send the newsletters by email.


You got it bro! And if any of ya out in netland want to get a piece of da action-CAROLINE BLUE action that is(*GROAN*-Bucky)-just go to the CONTACT page and sign up for your monthly newsletter!




Hey Wayne,
Thanks for putting me on your mailing list! I put you on our list as well. I just bumped the tape over and am going to watch it in a couple of mins…I’ll let you know about the FLM segment. Talk to you soon. Hope you guys had a good time Saturday.
Rock on.


Thanks Chuck-we had a pretty cool time. I remember when that place used to be a tiny dance club where a lot of the women there were drunk and aggressive! Hopefully we can some more shows in the future. Take care.




I am so sorry I could not make it to the show. I thought I had planned so carefully in order to show up for the first live show since I met you. Only to have fate intervene and along with work being such a disaster, managing to park the SAAB in a snow bank and burning out the transmission was just icing on the cake. I really hope things went well!!! Hopefully, I will be able to make the next one.
All my best,


No problem-sorry to hear about your car problems. But that’s what you get when driving a SAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBB!!! 😀 There were a few problems, but overall it was fine. Hope to see ya at the next one.Take care.




Hey Wayne,
Just checked out the video…Very Cool.


Thanks dude-and if you want to see the video he’s talking about, go to UMTV and check out CAROLINE BLUE performing “I’m No Angel.” It’s good stuff.



(Taken from Forum)

Hey WWJ,
Here’s some tips about women you won’t read about in Cosmo:

1)-“Calling Dr.Love” does not have to be played as you enter the bedroom. Despite the initials WWJ, you are NOT a professional wrestler and, therefore, you do not require an entrance “theme” song…

2)-When asked,”How was it ?,”…don’t reply,”…You’ll read about it in the book!”….

3)-When saying goodbye the next morning, you should not give her a CAROLINE BLUE business card as a memento!…

4)-Don’t stand on the bed afterwards and perform “The Spotlight.”….

5)-When you see her in her Victoria Secret’s, don’t say,”…I think I wore that onstage once…”….

Merry Christmas Brother!

Monster Mike (Dogs on Mars)

When we saw that posted on,we HAD to get it transcribed for here. Good thing too cause it soon got deleted. But we have it here! Kudos Mikey-that was very funny!




Hey Wayne!

Thanks for signin in;glad ya liked the site! Believe it or not-100% WebTV! 😀
(Quote by you from My Guestbook in regards to sending a copy of the CD to review when finished)

“I’ll send ya a copy of the CD when it’s done-we’re more in the KISS vein so I hope it isn’t too “lite” for ya!”

Not at all! I’d be honored;thanks a TON,’bro. Can’t WAIT to check out the tunes!
Keep ROCKIN!!!!

West Side Dave-Fulton,NY


Thanks for the kudos dude! I can only imagine what your site would be like if built with a regular computer-it would be a monster! We also now have a link to your site on our LINKS page. As soon as the CD is all done, I’ll get a copy to ya! Take care.




I heard ya’ll on and you fucking rock! If you ever get the chance give a listen to our music at the following link:

Thanks and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!





We started a DAMM chapter (drunks against mad mothers). We sell mugs and a shirt so far. Check out the gear on our web page.


Now THAT’s something different!





…I checked out the site, it’s lookin’ good. I like all the pics (especially “Cousin It” 🙂 ). Talk to you soon.

Becky-Central Square,NY


If ya think the pics look good now,wait till we get the new format in! Hozay got a hold of a new thumbnail program and it’s gonna kick ya in the rumper! Who sez we don’t try to make things better for ya here??? Chillin’ ta Warp Factor Nine babe!




…What’s the news with the video? When do we get to see it?…


Hey Jimbo-things are going okie-dokie with the “I’m No Angel” vid that CAROLINE BLUE filmed a few weeks ago.Our sources tell us it’s in the editing stages at this time. Wayne mentioned that hopefully it’ll be on UMTV soon. There IS a possibility though that we might be able to get the audio up here on da site in Mp3 format.Keep them fingers crossed!!!…..uh….could someone help untie my fingers…???





Just dropping you a line to say hello…Nice to meet you Wayne…I hope that your band is all you want it to be and more and you have all the success you dream of…Take care Wayne and GOD BLESS…KEEP ROCKIN’



Nice to meet ya too! Glad you liked the site and thank you very much for the kind words. Hope everything is going well for ya! Take care.





How’s the Blue?



Doing pretty good. Mostly studio work at this time. Can’t wait to get out and play shows again. We gotta do some shows together dude…The Bufftones and CAROLINE BLUE…what a killer night!




I checked out your promo. That was pretty good-but I was like expecting a whole song. There wasn’t any vocals! I’ve yet to hear you sing. Oh, and I checked out the Guestbook-and I saw the entry from meanoqueen. Haha. How nasty!…God Wayne-thought you’d at least find a nice girl! She must’ve been hot…Gotta go for now.Hope all is good!


Glad ya liked the promo! We just did a video for UMTV and it should be out before the end of the month. Shortly after I’ll have the “Crew” bring it over to the site.They also plan on putting some Mp3’s up-either on the site or a link that will take ya to a site. In regards to the Guestbook,yeah-it can be quite a trip reading that stuff-wait till we get the forum up here! As for “Queenie,” I guess my response is the same that she keeps voting on the current poll….”No Comment.” Thanks again!




Hi Wayne,
I just wanted to take the time to let you know that the site looks really good. Nice job! I’m hoping to get out to see the band before I move….Your hair looks awesome in the pics….Take care and I wish you continued success in your venture!

Georgene-(Weaves Gone Wild)

Thank you very much for those kind words! I hope you get to see the band out soon too! Can’t wait to get out on stage again.But we’re trying to get the CD done and we also just filmed a video for UMTV. Thank you very much for the hair compliment-then again,the only reason why it looks so good is cause you guys at Weaves Gone Wild (Click on their Banner on LINKS) take good care of it. I should be in sometime soon so you guys can get it out of the mess I made it into 😀 Take care.




Where are you playing tonight? Thanks.


Hiya Pete,
Thanks for the question! CAROLINE BLUE doesn’t have any shows lined up at the moment. They’re in the midst of trying to finish off their handy-dandy CD. It better be awesome if it’s takin’ this long boy howdy! We did learn that CAROLINE BLUE is filming a brand new video for UMTV this very night-as well as tomorrow night! Check on da NEWS link for more info.Well….? Whatcha waitin’ for????? Ciao.




Hey there…
I checked out your promo and it rocks. Loved it…Forums do seem to attract all sorts of interesting characters and all their silliness….Hope to see you at a show soon too.

Foxx E. Soxx-(Thunderosa)

Thank you very much! Great hearing from the hottest member of the mighty Thunderosa! If ya wanna see what they’re up to, go to LINKS and click on da Thunderosa banner-it’s pretty intense! And hopefully there will be a forum here before the end of November. Cya soon Foxx E…




Cool Promo!

Jerimi-(DayGlo Crazies)

Short & to Da point-gotta love it!





Dude I saw your promo! I watched it three times in a row because it kicked so much ass! I LOVE the way it was put together…and especially at the end when you…I don’t remember if you punch at the camera or something and there’s a BOOM! sound…and then the promo cuts off after that…THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!…did Mike see it yet? 😀

Cristl :)-(Day Glo Crazies)

Hey Back!

Wow-talk about having one’s ego yanked into the stratosphere! Thank you so very much Cristl! You are much too kind! I had the idea in my head for that promo for months and it’s so great to have it now become reality. Looks like someone got to see it a little early-it hasn’t aired on UMTV yet. 😀 Hopefully in a week or 2. I’ll have the “crew” post it up here when it airs. And yes, Mikey saw it. I surprised him with that “move” I did during the middle-you’d think after all those years of being on stage together that nothing I do would surprise him yet….CAROLINE BLUE is arriving on UMTV. And this is only just the beginning!





I have been hearing about you for over a year from Gail and when she introduced us I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. I could tell you it was because I was so overcome by your charms but in reality, by that time, I had such a miserable headache from too much sun that I could barely remember my own name. I just finished looking at your site, and-Please, please don’t cut your hair off! It is absolutely gorgeous-you can take that as a late vote for your last poll. Otherwise, I enjoyed the pictures. Loved the one of Mike you had mentioned. Anyway, I am sorry I did not get a chance to talk to you and wanted to know if you were coming to Albany on August 2nd for D.O.M. at Northern Lights? I have to ask about the statement,

“I also seem to be pretty good at makin’ women hate me (3 and counting…)”

There has got to be a story behind that one.I hope I get the chance to hear it.


With letters like that, no wonder I have such a lead on the current poll (HA!). Thank you very much for the compliments Susan. You’re too kind. Don’t worry-I don’t plan on cutting my hair until I start balding-which shouldn’t be for quite awhile (knock on wood). We did have a show planned for 8/2,but it fell thru so I’ll probably be at DOM’s show. They’re an awesome band and I’m usually at their shows anyway (go to LINKS and click on the Dogs On Mars link). As for that quote (which is from FACTS’N’STATS), those women are very beautiful and are good people, but you can’t please everyone. Not even me-Mr.Ego (HA!). Talk to ya soon and take care.






WOW-gotta love those rabid fans we have!!! Okay-1st,slooowly take your finger off the caps lock……that’s a good girl :-D. Next,log onto….got that?? Then click ENTER to go in. Then on the MENU,click on SHOWS. And there ya go!!! Unfortunately,there’s no shows listed at this time.Keep comin’ back for more updates!





Your website is HUGE! I haven’t even gone through all of it -but it was entertaining while I was there.I can just keep coming back and finding more which is awesome LOL.The poll was funny-I voted that you should keep your hair the way it is damn it! Don’t listen to the other people!!! Talk to you soon.

Jerimi-(Day Glo Crazies)

Those polls sure are somethin’ huh? Wayne didn’t cut his hair at all actually-well, he did buy some Nair for the 5-6 hairs he has on his chest 😀 . For those who don’t know what this is about, click on ARCHIVE and look at the past polls. And while you’re at it, go to the LINKS page and check out the Day Glo Crazies. Pretty zippy site-you go girlz!




Hey Wayne!

Enjoyed the show the other night (always do!). Hope the pictures came out alright-I tried! Looking to see some more shows soon-hopefully headliners where you can play a bit longer. You know, ALL the good stuff! Take care.


Thanks Julie-you did a great job w/ the pictures! They look great. We’ll get them posted ASAP.I know our set was a little short-but that’s OK. At least we got to play! Be on the lookout for more shows and surprises coming soon!!




Any pictures from The Red Door North available yet?


Hiya Ron! We seem to be experiencing a “small” difficulty with our computer here at CB.NET (Read-we need a MODERN computer NOW Wayne!),but we have Hozay right on it and he’ll have everything up in an hour (“!!!!!!!!”-Hozay)…..uh,a day? (“!!!!!”-Hozay)…uh,when it’s done it’s done? (“……..”-Hozay)…There-they’ll be up as soon as their up…how’s that?




Hi,I am the bass player for SHMAE. We are trying to get our music to different people. Maybe we can open some shows for you. Check us out at .Let me know.Thanks.

Doug-Seneca Falls,NY

Thanks for writing in.Cool website! We don’t have any headlining shows lined up at the moment, but we’ll definitely keep you in mind when we do. Take care.




Hey Wayne,
Actually,musically you guys sounded pretty good the other night.The mix was a little muddy and the guitar solos were buried (but not to the point where you couldn’t hear what was being played) but overall-great show.Questionable mixes happen to everyone…you know that by now 🙂
You do a great job singing AC/DC.I was pretty surprised at your vocals actually.To me, you sound like Paul Stanley. I was hoping you guys were going to break into “Black Diamond” or something.
Go ahead and put me on your newsletter. I’ll try to make it to more of your shows. I had a lot of fun the other night. Saw the mention of “Big Bill Blanchard” on your NEWS page…LOL.T ake it easy.

William Blanchard-Syracuse,NY

You’re much too kind-Thank you very much! Glad you had a good time. The newsletters are on their way. And for those of you who want to hear some great instrumental music, go to the LINKS page and click on Bill’s link-there’s some great stuff! Take care.




Had a great time rockin on stage with you guys Saturday at the Red Door North.I hope to do it again.

Jamie Criscione

Thank you, Jamie, for being there that night-it was like the old times with you and Dave there.Sans spandex of course 😀 Got a lot of nice compliments about your performance (“Those backing vocals were great!”-Bucky) and I hope to see ya out with us again in the near future. Take care.




Hey thanks Wayne…..lookin’ for thoose pics from Sat night? 😉


You should’ve seen Wayne’s face when we 1st showed him this-you’d think he was doin’ somethin’……naughty that night (6/1) 😀 We presume you mean pics of the show right? They’re in development right now and will be up ASAP. Or whenever Wayne pays us (HINT!)




i don’t know how i got this probably my daughter no thanks

Laurie032-Somewhere in Cyberspace

Alrighty then! See how easy it is to subscribe -and unsubscribe 😦 -to our handy dandy newsletters! Just go to CONTACT and fill in what you want in da subject box. It’s that simple! Sorry to see ya go Laurie-although we hope you get your keyboard fixed soon(HA!). Ciao.




Just checked out your site…cool stuff.If you’d like, you can use the following as our URL on your link page for us:

See ya Saturday…


Glad you liked it! Thanks for the link-I put it in your logo on the LINKS page. Looking forward to Saturday! Take care.




Thanks so much for your help!! You’re awesome!

Jessica B.-Syracuse,NY

You’re very welcome! Good luck!




I was wondering if you might be able to help suggest some good places for local bands to play when they’re just starting out. Troop 204 is the name of the band. Their style is like the Deftones.They have more originals than covers. They cover My Own Summer, Head Up, Back To School and a few others.They’re working on some Papa Roach too. They’ve had a show at Armory High in Syracuse and had a decent turnout. Now they’re looking for more places to play. If you can help with any kind of suggestions I would really appreciate it. If you can think of anything please e-mail me back. Thanks so much 😉

Jessica B.-Syracuse,NY

Here’s a few places you can try:

(1)-Bleachers/Syracuse-(451-4841)-they’re starting to have heavier bands there so they might be worth a try.
(2)-Lost Horizon/Syracuse-(446-1934)
(3)-Planet 505/Syracuse-(471-8646)
(4)-Gatherings By Design/Phoenix-(695-3950)
(5)-Club 48/Fulton-(593-6666)
(6)-The Brickhouse/Fulton-(598-1529)

Don’t really know about the Fulton ones, but it can’t hurt to try right? Hope this helps out. Take care.





How R things? Who’s in the band who’s playin Bass? Just curious.


Things are going well with CAROLINE BLUE-albeit a little slower than I’d like. Check out the NEWS link for more info. Roy St. James is still playin’ the “B-Ass Guitar”-but at the show at The Red Door North, on 6/1, a bassist named “JC” will be there. Also, there might be an additional member up on stage w/ us. Check out the SHOWS link for more info. Hope to see ya at the show!




Where do you guy’s mostly play and how often do you play a month? The site is pretty cool!



At the moment, CAROLINE BLUE mainly plays in Oswego County-specifically in the Fulton/Phoenix area. The band plans to expand into Oswego and Syracuse soon. Shows are a little sparse at the moment, but they will soon pick up. Glad to hear from ya! Take care.




Hi.I’m writing about a possible gig for the CAROLINE BLUE band. This would be on Thursday May 23rd during the day, possibly at 11 or 12 o clock in the afternoon for maybe 2 hours. It would be at Jamesville Dewitt High School, in Dewitt NY, outdoors if weather permits. If not, inside of the gym possibly. It’s sponsored by our student government,and we really have no clue how much something like this would cost. We wanted to replace the crappy DJ of years past. This leaves us able to spend $200 to $300 on musical entertainment. If you could let me know how much something like this would usually cost, or if it would even be possible on this day, it would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!


Unfortunately, CAROLINE BLUE won’t be able to play that show. If I may suggest, go to the LINKS section on this site. There are several bands who might be able to help-like Dogs on Mars. In regards to expenses,the biggest thing will probably be PA. Is there one already there (not just a simple school one,but one for a band) or does the band have to bring one in ? If the later, your costs will probably be higher. PA rentals range from $150-$300+,which may or may not include a sound man to run it. One of the reasons why bands are so damn poor :-D. Hope this helps. Take care.





Just to let you know I finally got on to your website!!!! How do I become a member of your club?……..let me know,OK?


I’m glad you asked!!! All ya gotta do is go to the CONTACT page and click on SUBSCRIBE…it’s as easy as that!!! And if, for some ungodly reason, you don’t want to receive anymore of our Handy-Dandy Newsletters and Updates, do the same as before except type in….”Remove” in the subject box….OK???…..Alrighty then!!!





What the hell were you thinking?!?!…:-D…..I don’t even know what’s more disturbing…the fact that I am even part of this poll…………or that I have more votes than you……..:-P……later bud.

Johnny Rock-Oneida,N.Y.

Let me look at this poll……Shut Up!! Wayne’s dead last!!! Well,I’m gonna fix that!! For those of you who don’t know,the letter above was from Da soundguy. Thanks for letting me know Johnny! C’mon ladies-let’s put Wayne where he belongs!! Just remember…you can vote for him all you want, but he’s still mine!!





Sounds good to me-I’ll get ya a pick!!!


Hmmm….Does this mean that Roy St. James has pictures of his butt right on his picks???? Talk about getting a handle on things!! Who would have thought a simple poll would have brought out so much info….I smell a new interview coming!!!




Hey-about this “Butt Poll”….I think the winner should show us his butt…kind of a “Show Them What They’ve Won” deal. And one comment about Roy…you can have all the contests you want…nobody is gonna lick his butt!!!


The President of Roy’s “Fan Club For Men” has spoken!…now we know there’s at least one person who wants to visit the CAROLINE BLUE Diner and order a “Moons Over My Hammy” from Mr. St. James! We’ll post this to the winner…although don’t count anyone else out yet! Go to the MONTHLY POLL and put in as many votes as you want-remember, the poll ends on 3/31st!!!




I just checked out the site…for any new stuff. Dave has 53 great butt votes!!!!!!!!!! What the F—?


Well….that’s Dave for ya! He does seem to be popular with da people out there. Maybe it has something to do with his time in prison…:-D Course, you can vote on the MONTHLY POLL as often as you like so….maybe it’s some drunk guy who keeps freeze framing old FRONT ROW videos of Dave in spandex :-D. Or maybe the votes are from that legion of midget-stalkers that hound him wherever he goes! Most people seem to agree that Dave has the goods. If you feel differently, go to the poll and vote! Da poll ends on 3/31.We’ll keep ya posted!




Hello Wayne,

I just wanted to drop a line…My computer wouldn’t download so I couldn’t listen to your music…What kind of music do ya’ll play?? Well gotta run for now…Good luck with your band.

Julie-Somewhere in Alabama


Thanks for the email. I presume you meant video cause there are no Mp3’s at the moment. CAROLINE BLUE plays what I call Classic Hard Rock. If you go to the SONGS-1 page, you can see what bands we cover. Thanks again for the email!





Thanks again for letting us jam last night. Both D.R. and I appreciated, and enjoyed it. It was also good to see you, Roy and others!

Chris-Lost & Found-Syracuse,N.Y.


Thanks for putting up with us! 😀 You guys were great and I hope we can do some more shows together in future. Take care.





My name is Tim Paige and I’m the lead vocalist/guitarist of Syracuse acoustic pop-rock band Starstruck. We were just wondering if you had any shows that you needed an opening act for?…………….Thanks for your time and consideration in this matter.



Thanks for your letter Tim. We don’t have any shows after Club 48 at the moment. When we do,I’ll give ya a call.I checked out your site and Mp3’s and they were pretty cool! Lookin’ forward to workin’ with ya.Take care.

WAYNE (Check out Starstruck by clicking here )






Hmm….and I…I mean,our fans in Georgia thought Wayne was the gay one-not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just that, if you are-why hide it? Be gay and be proud-if you’re into that.I just ran into Monster Mike Merrifield (Ex-FLM) who mentioned something about Roy’s Fan Club For Men. This bears further investigation!!!!!!!!!!!




Didn’t Wayne W. Johnson work for K-Mart on Erie Blvd?


Clone Alert!! One of Wayne’s clones has been sighted posing as him at the Dewitt K-Mart! Eliminate him before he causes even MORE damage to his already fragile rep!!!!




Did you get laid yet??? Slut boy!


Wayne said he’s waiting for the proper moment, the proper time, and the proper woman (yes, a WOMAN-sorry Rico) to get involved with. (“Wayne said that???-Who’s he kidding???-Rico). Till then, he has to take care of his “baby”-CAROLINE BLUE. Till he hooks up with me at least. Peace.




I Love You!!!!! Let’s Get Naked!!!!







I just wanted to say hello and thank you for the link to your website. You, Dave,and Roy are looking good as usual. I’m glad to see that things are finally starting to work out for you musically. (At least it is for someone). I miss you guys terribly and hope to eventually get out to see you before you make it big. Love ya bunches.


Thanks for the great letter. Hope everything is working out for you and we all hope to see you at a show very soon. Keep checking here for updates! Take care.




Who IS that gorgeous drummer? And how do I meet him?


The drummer’s name is David Scott Victory the 12th and we hear he likes women who can beat him up on a daily basis. Strange-but everyone has their thing 😀 Actually we asked Dave and this was his response:


“Tell her I said hi and to come to the next show wearing a scarf-and only a scarf-so I know which one is you.”

Spoken like the true lady killer that he is! Thanks for the great question! C-ya at the show. (Only a scarf huh? Hmm). Bye!




Thanks for letting me know! Sorry to offend you but my assumption was that you were male-my bad! Anyways,thanks for responding!




Why is Bucky asking you when you will be divorced? What is he,a latent homosexual trapped inside a cat’s body???


Wayne was gonna respond but I thought it would be better if I did. Bucky is my nickname. My real name is Rebeka-and I’m 100% female thank you very much! My friends gave me that nickname cause I tend to be…stubborn at times (“Especially when she’s out of Happy Pills.”-RICO).T hanks for writing in. Now excuse me-I have to go slap Rico. Peace.




Hey guys! Just wondering who you are bringing into the band. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make this show. Is this a permanent thing? Hopefully I can catch the next show.


Thanks for the question-Wayne seems to just keep us all locked up till we’re needed so it’s nice to get some feedback. According to Wayne, Roy St.James was unavailable for this show (rumor has it he’s searching for Diamonds in Chicago) so Scott Coon (AKA “Scooner” and “Chachi”) will be filling in on the “B-Ass Guitar.” Sorry you can’t get to a show. Next time right? Ciao.




That is a short video! It stops when the song starts.Is that right? Send me another-mine is only 43 seconds.


Yeppers-it’s that short. Hence the title “VIDEO TEASE.” Just to give ya the slightest taste of a CAROLINE BLUE show. So what are ya waiting for?? Go to one already!!! Peace




Great show last night Wayne!!! The drummer is awesome!!! I’d like to meet him…he’s sooooo cute!!!!


Well-that’s Dave for ya.He’s not known as “The Lady Killer” for nothin.Course,it helps when he borrows Wayne’s personal cologne called “Whiff of Wayne” (Coming to the STORE sometime in the future!!). But even without it, Dave is STILL a powerful force. Dave seems to like aggressive women-so to meet him, just go up to him and slap his ass really hard! That’s what I heard he likes. Let us know how it goes.




I can only assume that you are a Get Fuzzy fan and must therefore catch the show……………….:)


You Betcha! We’re all crazy about Get Fuzzy-especially since our names are being used!! Us guys especially love to “Get Fuzzy”-get it? Ha Ha! Get it?? Ah……Alrighty then! Hope you caught a show and had fun.